What if you didn’t have to worry about getting new enquiries anymore?

How would your life (and business) change if you had 5x more enquiries coming through this month?

What if you had a proven system responsible for thousands of new leads and literally millions in sales?

“We’ve worked with Ray Corcoran for over a year now and he’s been an excellent advisor to the business”

- Ian Aldridge, Principal Lawyer at Progressive Legal

With a surplus of enquiries, you could pick and choose which clients you work with.

You’d be taking home more cash than ever before.

You wouldn’t have to deal with the stress of up and down revenue.

You’d have more options.

What if your inbox was bursting with new enquiry emails like this?

Or this..

If you’re anything like my 1:1 clients - you’re probably great at what you do.

You have a good reputation and you get your customers great results.

It’s just a case of getting more people knowing about you.

But when try to ‘do some marketing’, it either doesn’t work or works poorly.

You may be trying to post on Facebook 3 times per day.

You’ve tried boosting a few posts of Facebook with zero results.

You send out your ‘monthly' crap email newsletter once per quarter and get a bunch of unsubscribes each time.

Maybe you tried to post a video and got 1 like.

All of it leaves you thinking:

Does any of this stuff work?

It’s frustrating - but the good news is it doesn’t need to be that way.

When you do things the right way - the results change.

If you’ve never been shown how to market your business, it’s kinda unreasonable to think you just hit home run campaigns with limited experience.

I’m sure if I jumped in your business I would be terrible at what you do. I haven’t been shown how to do any of it!

The truth is - most business owners are doing it wrong.

They are inconsistent with their marketing
They half ass writing their social media posts
They rush making their ads, and miss important steps
They never review their results and adjust
They blame the channel
They have no commitment
They don’t truly understand their customers

Why would you expect great results with that approach?

It's insanity..

My name is Ray Corcoran and over the last 10 years I’ve been working on marketing behind the scenes with some of Australia’s biggest and fastest growing companies.

This is the part where I say some dramatic story about how I stumbled upon this secret 3 step system to unlock untold riches.

But I won’t.

Mainly because that’s not how it happened and that’s not how it works.

I started in corporate marketing in Sydney, Australia.

I realised I didn’t want to stay there for the rest of my life, so I started a business on the side selling websites.

I didn’t love making websites but it was something I could do for money.

Naturally, once I finished the website - people would ask me how to get people to it.

I had no idea.

So I set off on a long journey to learn the in’s and out’s of marketing online.

I did what many do - read all the books, paid for all the courses, hired all the mentors.

Over a few years I spent literally over $170,000. Most of the courses were crap. Obliterated my savings.

But it was enough to help me start getting results.

I was still learning so I didn’t charge initially.

As I got much more experience I started charging a little, then more and more.

Some of what people were teaching in the books was true, some of it was BS or simply outdated.

Marketing principles don’t change much, but tactics change rapidly.

I loved the challenge of developing a marketing strategy and executing it.

I love testing what works, what doesn’t - getting the feedback and re-testing.

And it’s what I’ve been quietly doing behind the scenes for the last 10 years.

Fast forward to now..

After doing it for so long - I found myself having the same conversations over and over.

I have trained many marketing teams on how to drive new enquiries.

The reason I have made this course is to document my approach to generating new enquires for established, service based businesses.

I have condensed years of trial and error into an easy to digest 6 week course which will teach you what you need to know.

My goal is not to give you everything, most people are already overwhelmed.

My goal is to give you the main proven strategies so you can start getting enquiries and clients straight away.

The thing is - when you master generating enquiries..

You can literally write your own ticket.

You’ll have control over how much money you make every month.

You’re no longer at the mercy of word of mouth.

You’ll have a system that consistently and predictably spits out enquiries month after month.

Introducing Lead Generation Blueprint

Lead Generation Blueprint is a 6-week online course designed to teach you practical, proven strategies to generate new enquiries and sales for service based businesses.

It’s the culmination of 10+ years creating and running campaigns (from scratch) to drive sales week in, week out for literally hundreds of different businesses across 100+ industries.

I want to share what works best and teach you step by step how to do it.

Here’s what you get when you invest in
Lead Generation Blueprint:

  • Full access to over 35 HD marketing training videos
  • A Proven SYSTEM to generate more enquiries for your business month in month out
  • Easy to understand content in plain English so it’s easier to implement over 3 hours of straight to the point, practical training
  • Six weeks of group accountability coaching calls with Ray to answer your specific questions
  • All templates, cheat-sheets and checklists

Here's the results my clients have been getting:

Construction product business added over $2M in sales

Took enquiries from 50 per month to 300+ per month in 14 months. Grew database from 6,919 to 12,164 (Increase of 76%)

Beauty clinic from 1 store to 4 retail stores in 12 months

Weekly revenue up literally over 15x, more locations are planned for expansion

Podiatrist increased patient numbers, revenue and profit

“We have seen a significant increase in our patient numbers already”

Baby Carrier eCommerce store adding 7,786 email subscribers in 3 weeks

We did repeated campaigns after this to build the database to over 40,000 subscribers

Women’s e-commerce store went from 10 emails a month to 1255+ a month

We did adjustments to their website to convert the traffic already coming to the site

Crossfit Apparel eCommerce store adding 1,000 new leads in 2 weeks

Once we got those leads we launched a campaign to monetise them quick

Brand New Digital Agency went from getting 0 leads per day to 6 per day (and over 180 leads per month)

Developed and executed a lead generation campaign and had leads coming in within hours, sales converted in a couple a days after that

Clothing store built the list to from 0 to 1,460

Now they have an ‘owned’ audience of over 3,000 they can market to every week

Concreting business goes from 0 to 10+ qualified phone calls per day

Trucks went from 13% utilisation to 35%, nearly triple.

Racing competition database increases from 1,800 to 7,000

Events were oversubscribed, with 2-3 more demand that available spots

Mining Plant Hire company increases revenue by 30%

Their trucks went from 60% utilised to 100% utilised within 4 months

Here's what you’ll learn:

Module 1: Foundations

In this module I explain the core principles you must know before doing any campaigns. Learn the right mental approach you need to have to become a enquiry generating machine.

  • Welcome + Course Overview
  • Principles To Success
  • Principles Of Lead Generation
  • Defining Your Target Market
  • Mathematics Of Business Growth
  • Quick Wins

Module 2: Building Your Sales Funnel

Next we map out what exactly is your sales process. How do you take a stranger to a customer, then repeat customer. We’ll build your sales process in this module.

  • Sales Funnel Overview
  • Map Out Your Sales Funnel
  • Create Your Lead Qualification Checklist
  • Creating Your Lead Magnet
  • Create Your Landing Page

Module 3: Email Marketing

During this module I’ll teach you the power of email marketing when it’s done right. Start sending out genuinely useful, sales focussed emails to your list to get them to buy over and over again.

  • Why Email Marketing
  • Principles Of Success With Email Marketing
  • Setting Up Regular, Quality Emails
  • Setting Up Email Automations
  • Taking Your Email Marketing To The Next Level

Module 4: Video Marketing

Video is one of the best mediums available to build rapid trust with potential customers. I’ll show you how to deliver amazing video content, even if you have no idea what you’re doing (and hate being on camera!).

  • Module Overview
  • Principles To Success With Video
  • Tech Setup + Video Essentials
  • What To Talk About
  • How To Speak Well On Camera

Module 5: Facebook Advertising

Facebook can give you access to literally billions of different types of people. Throughout this module I’ll show you the 80/20 of Facebook ads so you can start generating enquiries asap.

  • Ads Manager Walkthrough
  • Setting Up Your Facebook Ad Account
  • Planning The Campaign
  • Writing Copy + Assembling Creative
  • Targeting
  • Ongoing Management + Scaling Your Ads
  • Troubleshooting

Module 6: Google Local Marketing

Google is one of the most popular ways for everyday people to find products and services - at all price points. I’ll teach you how to improve your presence on Google and be visible where it counts.

  • Module Overview
  • Getting More Enquiries Through Your Website
  • Google Reviews
  • On-Site SEO
  • Directories

Backed by our 100% money back guarantee

If for any reason you feel like you didn’t get any value from the course, I will refund 100% of your money. I back the quality of the course and the value it can add to your business. Please don’t buy the course if you don’t plan on implementing what is in the course, you are kidding yourself. No course can help someone who doesn’t implement the strategies, stay committed and be consistent.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes you different to the other 4 billion marketing experts I see online?

I get results for my clients. I genuinely care about getting you results. I actually create and run these campaigns for my clients (and still do to this day). I don’t just repeat theory I haven’t applied myself. I don’t position myself as some perfect expert, I just have learnt effective techniques to get customers and want to show others how to do the same.

Do you have a guarantee?

Yes. If for any reason you don’t like the course within 30 days from purchase you are entitled to a refund. Please don’t buy the course if you don’t plan on implementing what is in the course, you are kidding yourself. No course can help someone who doesn’t implement the strategies, stay committed and be consistent.

Will this work for <insert industry here>?

This will work for established, service based businesses. I’ve directly worked with companies across 100+ industries including:

  • Mortgage Brokers
  • Physiotherapists
  • Consultants
  • Marketing Agencies
  • Website Designers
  • Podiatrists
  • Osteopaths
  • Tradies
  • Business Coaches
  • Gyms
  • Personal Trainers
  • Psychologists
  • Photographers
  • Lawyers (Multiple Types)
  • Property Investment Training
  • Acting Schools
  • Yoga Teachers
  • Pilates Teachers
  • And many more

Will I need to spend further money on ads?

The majority of the strategies in this course don’t require any ad spend. The Facebook Ads module will obviously require ad spend but you can choose what you spend. Ultimately I believe in investing in faster growth. I’ll show you how to do the ads so you increase your chances of getting ROI fast.

How soon will I see results?

There is a quick wins strategy in the course to help you get results fast - as early as the same day. Your results will depend on you and how fast and well you implement the strategies.

What if I’m not very good with technology?

The majority of the strategies don’t require any tech knowledge. I focus on keeping things simple and always explain any tech in basic terms. I will show you click by click how to do any tech stuff. Don’t let it be a barrier to you getting the results you want.

What happens after I join the course?

You will be instantly granted access to the first week of the course so you can get started learning and implementing!

Get started now!